Keep Right - Walking Lanes

January 9, 2003

It’s kind of an unwritten rule of etiquette to walk on the right hand side of walking spaces (hallways, sidewalks, etc.). It bugs when people don’t follow this rule—Who walk on the wrong side, run into you, and act like it’s your fault—When in actuality, they’re on the wrong side of the walking lanes. Similarly, there’s nothing more annoying than when you open doors on the right hand side to walk into a building to only have people try to walk out of the building through the same door. These people are supposed to be using the other door, which would be the right hand door for them. Instead, they use the left hand side door and run into me! Quit causing traffic jams. Stay in your walking lanes! -Stacy

January 16, 2003

Maybe they're not disregarding the rule, but have the same problem I had as a wee child - confusion. ... Shortly after learning my left from my right, I was told I should always walk on the left-hand side of the road. I clearly remember standing at the end of my driveway (which was still gravel then) not sure where I should be. I looked to my right, then to my left, and thought ... "well, which side is the left? If I'm facing to my right, it's the opposite side of the street ... if I'm looking to my left, it's this side of the street." I eventually figured it out - maybe they will too one day. - Jessi


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