October 23, 2002
I hate it when friends continue to insist on going to Frank's "Nursery" and "Crafts" despite experience that screamed "Frank's got jack!" You'd think that they would learn the first time when it took two seconds to determine that the "Craft" store didn't carry something as basic as FELT. But noooo......Leave it to some people to run straight back to Frank's Nursery and Crap when they're in need of BOOKS about trees and nurseries. Yep, the Barnes & Noble down the street is a bit too crude to carry such books. I guess "Once bitten, twice shy" doesn't apply to all people. For some, it may be "Once bitten, go back for seconds."
P.S. Notice the exclamation mark and period inside the " " :) - Bic
October 24, 2002
Yes, at one time someone tested the "Crafts" portion of the store name by looking for felt. Unfortunately, they were all out (probably sold out from all the folks coming there for their "craft" needs). This person learned their "craft" lesson. But then, this someone needed a book... not just any book... a book on tree nurseries. Well, now it was time to put the "Nursery" portion of the store name to the test. Unfortunately, those were all sold out as well. As you can see, completely unrelated purchasing stories. Course, I think we all know what the real issue is here. It's about second chances. Have you no compassion for this store... or better yet, for Frank? How would one feel if we didn't give second chances every time someone stole some pudding off your plate or raised her (oops, I mean their) voice a tad too loud while at a restaurant. I shutter to think about the world we're leaving behind for our children.
P.S. Sorry. Some of us don't read as many books. - Anonymous
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