October 7, 2002
What about these people who stay in the exit lane during traffic hour, pass-up hundreds of cars in the normal lane and then try to merge back into traffic when the exit lane runs out? Do they think they've found a secret shortcut that the other hundreds of us in the correct lane have somehow missed? No, they're just being a bunch of jerks and slowing down traffic even more. As a helpful hint, my secret is to drive my car down smack dab in the middle of both lanes so no one can pass me up on the outside. Take that cheaters. - Mark
October 15, 2002
I'm totally with you on this! It drives me crazy. Like we don't all have places to be too. Since I drive a full-size truck, I've actually taken it upon myself on a number of occasions to inhibit other cars' ability to pass on the shoulder or in the closed lane (can't really do this in exit lanes). I just pull halfway between the lanes and sort of elbow them out. One afternoon a semi-truck followed my lead, which rocked. I know of someone who's used canoe paddles out his windows as an attempt to impede the exit lane riders. It doesn't always work though. Last week, a guy drove over the curb on Hiawatha to get around me. What's his rush? - Jessi
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