Elusive Blue Mailboxes

January 20, 2002

Don't you hate it when you can't find any of those blue corner USPS mailboxes? Your life is so crazy (and maybe a little mismanaged) that you somehow forget to pay some important bills (the kind where you're charged an arm and a leg in "late" fees). You're going out of town super early the next morning, so you must put the bills in the mail tonight. You're forced to do some OPD (Old People's Driving) once you get closer to your house in an attempt to scout out one of those elusive mailboxes. The dark isn't helping and neither is the headache. Then, you're honked at (by a not so "nice" Minnesotan) for going 5 mph. As you're about to give up, you round the corner and see what you think is a mailbox--Except it's just a garbage can. Rats! Hey, USPS, where's the money from the increased postage rates going? - Bic


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