June 6, 2003
It drives me nuts when people make
judgments about others knowledge/skills based on how young or old they
look. In my work, I come in contact with people who are (and look) older than
mefrom school district to college/university personnel. When I meet people
for the first time, there is almost always this physical reaction of surprise.
The pupils get a little wider, heads move back a bit, theres a little
The level of surprise also varies if Im wearing glasses
or if I have my hair up or down (And no, I dont wear pigtails to meetings).
I was just at a meeting and this woman kept asking (at least THREE times) if
I was going to be the person making the final decision on her application into
this program that I run. What, young-looking equals unknowledgeable, unintelligent,
and/or unskilled? That math stinks. Go directly back to school. Do not pass
go. Lose a turn. Get a life.
Agree? Disagree? If you have any support or criticism for this complaint, e-mail it to us at cc@geeksontheweb.com and we'll post it.