Our trip to the ER... STAT!
Sure, I didn't want to go in, but a scant 3 hours later (which included a failed IV puncture, 5 needles, a Bugs Bunny band-aid and 2 liters of irrigation fluid)... we were out of there (oh, and a follow-up visit plus antibiotics 4 times a day). Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't have wiped all that dirt in it.
Course, it wasn't all bad... we heard some gnarly ER stories (mostly rectum related... one with an 18-inch sexual toy... the other when a gentleman "slipped" in the shower and fell on a bottle of Coke)... and, along with snagging the X-ray... hauled in all the loot above. As we left, we heard one doctor telling another "what did they weasel out of you?" Ahhh... the powers of persuasion.
Special thanks to Greg, Bill, Pam, Roger, Frank and Peg. The lovely ER staff at Riverside Hospital. And... no need for a tetanus shot until 2012!