EPZ End of the Season Party - February 21, 2004
Nobody celebrates a quarterfinal finish better than EPZ!
As Leif pointed out, the flash (that worked too well?) on the camera didn't allow the photos to quite capture the "bump-and-grind club atmosphere" that we had going. Were we dancing with the lights on? Oh well. Let's hope someone doesn't come across these photos in the attic floorboards someday.
By the way...
Main Entry: pyg·my
Pronunciation: 'pig-mE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pygmies
Etymology: Middle English pigmei, from Latin pygmaeus of a pygmy, dwarfish,
from Greek pygmaios, from pygmE fist, measure of length -- more at PUNGENT
1 often capitalized : any of a race of dwarfs described by ancient Greek authors
2 capitalized : any of a small people of equatorial Africa ranging under five
feet (1.5 meters) in height
3 a : a short insignificant person : DWARF b : something very small of its kind