Ok, so I finally looked at your little web site, as you know I review web
content in my profession, and I thought you could benefit from some of my
expert advice:
1. More redheads - Internet-surfers like to see redheads (but who doesn't)
2. More news about people who aren't getting married - Maybe even a few items about people who have chosen to live solitary
lives with only their pets for company. Some people who are on the
Internet, I'm not saying who, might identify with stories that center on
people who do not inspire members of the opposite sex to commit.
3. More pictures of teams that lose - I can point you toward a raggedy bunch of soccer players. An added
bonus would be a feature about team members who survive on the
playing field only because they know how to hurt other players without
getting called by the Ref.
4. More Pictures of Bill - Need I say more?
Charlotte Jones =)