In case you needed further proof that the Human Race is doomed through their own stupidity, here are some actual label instructions from various international consumer products.....
1) On a blanket from Taiwan: NOT TO BE USED AS PROTECTION FROM A TORNADO. (Bugger, what am I gonna use now???)
2) On a helmet-mounted mirror used by American cyclists: REMEMBER, OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE ACTUALLY BEHIND YOU.
3) On a Taiwanese shampoo: USE REPEATEDLY FOR SEVERE DAMAGE.
4) On the bottle-top of a British flavored milk drink: AFTER OPENING, KEEP UPRIGHT.
5) On a New Zealand insect spray: THIS PRODUCT NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS.
6) In an American guide to setting up a new computer: TO AVOID CONDENSATION FORMING, ALLOW THE BOXES TO WARM UP TO ROOM TEMPERATURE BEFORE OPENING. (Sensible, but the instruction was INSIDE the box.)
7) On a packet of American Sunmaid raisins: WHY NOT TRY TOSSING OVER YOUR FAVOURITE BREAKFAST CEREAL? (I prefer milk myself!)
8) On an American Sears hairdryer: DO NOT USE WHILE SLEEPING.
9) On a bag of American Fritos-brand Corn Chips: YOU COULD BE A WINNER! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. DETAILS INSIDE. (The shoplifter's special!)
10) On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom of the box): DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN. (Too late! You lose!)
11) On a Korean kitchen knife: WARNING: KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN. (Who are they to tell me what to do with my kids?)
12) On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights: FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR USE ONLY. (As opposed to use in outer space?)
13) On a Japanese food processor: NOT TO BE USED FOR THE OTHER USE. (What other use could THAT be??)
14) On British Sainsbury's peanuts: WARNING - CONTAINS NUTS. (Really? And that's bad ---? why?)
15) On an American Airlines packet of nuts: INSTRUCTIONS - OPEN PACKET, EAT NUTS. (I'm glad they cleared that up.)
16) On a Swedish chainsaw: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STOP CHAIN WITH YOUR HANDS OR GENITALS. (What kind of consumer phone-call led to this warning?)
17) On a Canadian child's Superman costume: WEARING OF THIS GARMENT DOES NOT ENABLE YOU TO FLY. (That's right, destroy a universal childhood fantasy!)
18) On some British frozen dinners: SERVING SUGGESTION: DEFROST.
19) On a hotel provided shower cap in a box: FITS ONE HEAD.
20) On packaging for a Rowenta iron: DO NOT IRON CLOTHES ON BODY.
21) On a British Boot's "Children's" Cough Medicine: DO NOT DRIVE CAR OR OPERATE MACHINERY.
22) On a British Nytol Sleep Aid Tablets label: WARNING: MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS.
23) On British Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING. (Are you sure?)